
Monday, July 27, 2015

Why Science Fiction

I, like so many writers, have dreamed about writing a novel—or four.  When I started writing, I drifted toward SF because I was studying the sciences and because Sputnik’s timing was just right for a student to imagine walking on the moon and eventually Mars.  My dreams expanded throughout the universe when I read the words of Asimov, Heinlein, Clark, and especially Ursula K. LeGuin and C.J. Cherryh—science fiction writers all.

Science fiction has an ally called fantasy.  Fantasy is more popular these days because it focuses more on characterization than traditional SF which is usually more about ideas.  What I would like to do is to transform traditional SF themes using strong characterization.

In good science fiction, the science element or predicament plays the role of metaphor which reveals some aspect of ourselves.  In too much science fiction, however, that aspect is heroism.  What story might arise if the protagonist were not heroic, but perhaps a coward or villain or just indecisive about what to do?

That has been my dream since I sold my first short story decades ago.  I’ve since had two more published. Expanding one of those is where I want to start.  I am a member of Science Fiction (and Fantasy) Writers of America or SFWA which I hope will give me a head-start with readers.

What I’m considering for my blog is posting an update now and again about my successes and failures.  I will also have suggestions about the writing process itself.  One such suggestion will be in the next post, a suggestion I have already found invaluable.

Topi Dreams
by Jeter Skeet

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